Human writers have the creative edge to connect with customers on a deeper level. They can include emotive tones and personal perspectives in their writing that can’t be replicated by AI.

Use AI writing tools for the research and first draft of content like thought leadership articles or opinion pieces. But for more creative content that requires a more human touch, consider using a balanced mix of human and AI content. Check out get macaw for more information.


Human writers draw inspiration from their personal experiences and emotions, allowing them to create uniquely distinct content that resonates with readers. In addition, they bring a level of creativity that AI writing cannot match. This includes innovative ideas, creative wordplay, and witty puns.

While AI has made strides in this area, it still struggles to grasp cultural nuances and emotional depth, which are critical for generating accurate content. For these reasons, it is important to utilize both human and AI content creation tools for the best results.

AI writing tends to sound robotic and lacks the personal touch that is necessary to engage your audience. You can use AI writing tools for scalable and consistent content generation, but you need to complement it with human writers for compelling and informative articles on topics like money and health. Use AI writing detectors to identify bloat and inconsistencies that can signal artificiality, then use the right balance of AI and human content for your business needs.

Emotional Intelligence

EQ stands for emotional intelligence and is the ability to perceive and make sense of one’s emotions in any given situation. People with high EQ can adapt quickly to setbacks and overcome their frustrations. In the workplace, people with high EQ tend to be more resilient and are less likely to let minor issues derail them from their goals.

A strong tone of voice is a key element of brand consistency and can distinguish your company from competitors. AI software may not be able to produce a consistent tone of voice, so it’s important to work with human writers who can ensure that your content is on-brand and resonates with your audience.

When it comes to writing creative content, human writers still have the edge when it comes to wordplay and puns. Unlike AI, they can come up with off-the-cuff ideas that perfectly fit the subject matter and add value to the reader. Moreover, they are more capable of creating compelling stories that evoke emotion in the reader.


One of the key features of top-tier marketing content is its originality. AI writing can be creative in terms of text formatting, but when it comes to generating original insights or emotionally charged content that resonates with readers on a deeper level, it will never match the creativity and depth of human writers.

For example, an AI writer can’t create slang and dialect that can draw in a niche audience. If your company specializes in PvP gaming, for instance, then you need content that speaks to them using the language they understand and use.

Human writers can also come up with wordplay and puns that make your brand stand out from the competition. This is especially important when aiming to establish authority and expertise in your industry, such as thought leadership articles or opinion pieces.

Contextual Comprehension

The ability to understand and relate to a specific context is an important aspect of human-quality writing. While AI has made significant strides in this area, it still lags behind human writers when it comes to creating contextually relevant content that resonates with audiences.

AI-generated content can often feel like a robot wrote it. This is due to the fact that it often lacks personality. It can also rely on generic words and phrases that people would never use in real-life. People despise reading this sort of content and will often be able to tell that it is AI written without even being told.

While AI has made significant strides in this regard, it will continue to struggle to find the nuances of human-written content. This is why human content remains at the forefront of creating premium, engaging copy that connects with customers on a deeper level. It is a key component of the marketing process that converts leads into clients.