For outdoor enthusiasts, there is nothing more exhilarating than embracing the wilderness and learning to live off the land. Our bushcraft courses teach the fundamental skills to minimise reliance on equipment and maximise the resources provided by nature.

A full range of course options are available, from weekend bushcraft courses to week-long immersions into wilderness living.

Basic Survival Skills

The basics are the things everyone needs to know before they go into the wilderness. Among these are survival techniques, navigation skills and shelter-craft.

Bushcraft courses offer a more structured approach to learning outdoor skills, and often cover topics such as fire lighting, plant identification, and shelter construction. They also teach safe knife use and are a good way to gain confidence in the outdoors. Those who are interested in learning bushcraft should start by taking a basic survival course. Then they should practice their skills with friends or family members before heading into a wilderness environment. This will help them overcome any apprehension they might have. For more info, check out advanced bushcraft course!

Shelter Building

The key to survival is shelter, but building a shelter isn’t always easy. There are many variables depending on the environment you are in, but there are a few principles that work across different environments and conditions.

We’ll teach you how to find a suitable site for your shelter and make the most of whatever materials are available. We will also cover a range of methods for shelter construction to give you options that work across different terrains and weather types.

This course is designed for those who want to learn basic survival skills and bushcraft techniques that can be used in wilderness and remote outdoor situations. It includes practical sessions with expert instructors and will require a reasonable level of fitness to ensure you get the most from the experience.

Fire Making

Fire is an essential tool in a survival situation, providing warmth, food, water purification and more. Mastering fire lighting is a key component of bushcraft, and one of the most important skills to learn.

Striking a sharp edged flint against a striker made of mineral or fire steel creates hot, oxidising metal particles that ignite tinder. This method of fire making is known as percussion or friction fire.

Learn bow drill and other historical methods for starting a fire using primitive tools and techniques from various cultures around the world. Start with simpler, more easily obtained success and work up to the more difficult methods over time to avoid frustration.

Wild Food Foraging

Foraging involves finding, identifying and collecting edible plants. Whether you need to survive in the wild or simply want to add more healthy options to your diet, it’s an important skill to master.

For example, you can find stinging nettles in the wild that are full of vitamins and minerals that improve health. These are great for making salads and tinctures.

To get started, find a mentor or purchase a book to help you learn more about foraging. Always ask permission before trespassing on private land and avoid areas that have been treated with pesticides or herbicides. These chemicals could be absorbed by the plants and make them unsafe for consumption.


The ability to navigate in the wilderness is crucial for bushcraft. It is a complex skill, and it encompasses many different techniques. It involves identifying and knowing the properties of local plants, as well as being able to locate water and shelter.

It is also important to know how to use a compass and map, and understand concepts like magnetic declination. It is a good idea to carry a clinometer, too, as this helps with accurate bearings and triangulation.

Whether it’s building a shelter or batoning wood, each bushcraft skill is a step towards achieving self-reliance in nature. It’s a way to connect with the natural environment and learn about survival in a way that’s enjoyable and rewarding.

First Aid

Learn how to treat injuries and illnesses when you’re out in the wilds without access to a medical facility. This course provides essential first aid skills for bushcrafters and outdoor adventurers.

Batoning is the process of splitting wood with a knife, using a percussion tool to deliver controlled force against the knife’s spine. This technique allows you to split wood with precision along the log’s natural grain, transforming it into manageable kindling and firewood.

Discover the 20% of cold-weather survival knowledge that will help you in 80% of wilderness scenarios. This online wilderness survival training course includes downloadable Winter Skills Field Guides.